Home / HAA Calibration Wizard / Sub Reposition Confirmation

Sub Reposition Confirmation

  • This is an optional test. To load it touch the checkmark and change the status to "In Progress". You can now load the test by touching the arrow.
  • In a way this is the same test as the Sub Repositioning. Some might us this to reposition subs since it shows the same concept of changing the mode intensity.
  • Here we will use the LFE pink noise test tone to create a plot using spatially averaged mic if possible.
  • If you already repositioned your subs, this should confirm the desired mode frequency has been suitably modified.
  • A useful alternate use is to use a single microphone and measure the response in each seat. The "Scratch Pad" will help you compare the various plots to the MLP seat.
  • To commence a measurement, touch the "Play" control, the Apple TV will send the LFE tone to the subwoofers.
  • You might find yourself returning to previous checklist tests to make changes. This process can be iterative.
  • Once complete, touch the leave arrow on the top left. Once back at the checklist don't forget the touch checkmark on the bottom right to mark the test complete and add any comments.