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Sub Position Review

  • Click the arrow for this item to show the mode map with more flexible subwoofer position controls.
  • To reiterate, seat placement and sub placement are interdependent. In addition, you may revisit these choices once you try to integrate the LCR speakers properly.
  • In a calibration, we're not intending to move seats or speakers however reviewing their position might lead to some good advice for the client.
  • Our goal is to keep all listeners in green modal zones. Repositioning a sub might be an easy way to eliminate a pesky yellow zone.
  • You can experiment with various sub placements using this tool. You'll notice that yellow zones disappear with various placement choices.
  • When you can move the sub, the upcoming optional tests may be helpful to confirm your strategy.
  • When complete touch the leave arrow on the top left. Mark the item as complete and be sure to add any observations of advice in the comments.