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Side Walls Review

  • Click on the checklist item, mark it complete and add any comments or recommendations.
  • Side or lateral walls should be acoustically similar or, better, symmetrical. Any absorption should be limited to 25% of the walls surface area.
  • Treatment recommendations are split with the forward part of each wall being more absorptive than the rearward portion.
  • The forward portion benefits from modified techniques of absorption with equal areas of reflection arranged in slats.
  • Hybrid treatments that diffuse, absorb and yet also reflect some sound are very useful for front speaker early reflections.
  • Keep in mind that the LCR early reflections can be useful to fill in a sonic gap between the front speaker and the first surround speaker in a 7.1.4 system. Blocking all early reflections can shrink the sound stage and reduce a sense of envelopment.
  • The rearward portion of the wall benefits from adding diffusion just as portions of the rear wall.
  • In a room without treatment absorptive panels blocking the opposing front speakers reflections but not blocking the near front speakers reflections can be very beneficial.