Home / HAA Calibration Wizard / MLP Position Review

MLP Position Review

  • Touch the arrow for this item to show the seating control panel.
  • While the checklist places seat position before subwoofer position, they are often accomplished interactively.
  • You'll recall from the Mode Map discussion we recommended the seats be placed in green zones between length yellow zones (horizontal yellow bands) ignoring the width yellow zones (vertical yellow bands).
  • On this item once you've moved the seats to green zones you can experiment with a few standard sub positions. You'll notice that certain yellow zones will disappear as you move the sub(s)
  • Our goal is to create a larger green zone by moving the subs eliminating any yellow zones that cross near a listeners head.
  • The red zone outlining the room is a reminder to keep listeners as far way from walls and speakers as possible.
  • The next checklist item gives you more control over the sub positions to experiment with other positions.
  • The Secondary Position Review exists so we can make comments about seating away from the MLP. Get the MLP right and then work on the secondary positions.
  • In a calibration scenario, we might not be able to move the seats, but it might be beneficial to point out where future improvements might be made in your comments.
  • Touch the leave arrow on the top left, add any comments and mark the item completed.