Global EQ

  • Click the arrow for the checklist item to open the FFT test.
  • This an optional test because the system requires a global EQ capability. That means we can change the response of all speakers simultaneously.
  • Alternately, you can use an automated calibration tool built into the AVR or DSP to do this.
  • It's still relevant that you might hand tune the SUB EQ even if you use an automated calibration. This allows the automated process to run more efficiently and get better results.
  • This is where you can touch up the over response of the system.
  • We've already corrected any response anomalies, here we adjust the response to any personal or client preference.
  • We can adjust the slope of the plot in the high frequencies to create the best treble balance.
  • Once you're satisfied with the overall response, touch the return arrow to go back to the checklist and mark the item as complete.