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Asymmetrical treatment strategy (2 replies)

Jonas Johndal Hansen
5 years ago

I saw a webinar with Anthony Grimani where one of the topics were treating mid/highs in the room.

One area where his strategy differs significantly from the "HAA-school" is that he recommends that left side wall and right side wall to be each others opposite. I.e. when there is diffusion on left wall the opposing panel on right wall willl be absorption and the other way around. More info here: https://www.sonitususa.com/post/interleaving-acoustical-panels-deliberately-different-placement-for-the-right-brained&newtab

Do anyone in here have experience with what benefits this have versus symmetrical and what the disadvantages are?

My first thought was, that focus and phantom images would suffer. Looking forward to your inputs and what HAA's stand is on this matter.



Gerry Lemay
5 years ago
Gerry Lemay 5 years ago

Hi Jonas,

The asymmetrical treatment strategy is an example of how large room acoustical design differs from small room design.  A common practice in a large room such as a house of worship or auditorium is to calculate the RT60 and then use one of the variations of Sabines formula (Eyring, Fitzroy, etc.) to calculate the required Sabins to correct the RT60.  Of issue is to retain the diffusiveness of the room while also lowering the RT60.  An asymmetrical treatment strategy is useful in such a space.  I don't recommend this design for home theater.

One of the differences in a small listening room is the desire for a symmetrical soundstage.  Not an issue for a truly diffusive space aka large room where listeners are far from the walls.  The intensity of first reflections in a small room (assuming you wish to retain a wide soundstage) are strong enough that any difference from side to side is readily apparent.  Treating the front side reflections differently results in such an observation.  One caveat I would add is that the rear half of the room might be able to sustain an asymmetrical treatment placement but my preference is for added diffusion.  The reality is that the rear half of the room is best not absorbed much if at all, since it would likely reduce envelopment and potentially crash the RT in most small rooms.

Hope that helps!


Jonas Johndal Hansen
5 years ago

That certainly helps. Thanks a lot for the input!

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